I was perusing some vintage scotch ads and really get a kick out of them. My how times have changed.
Scotch at one time was marketed at the male target audience exclusively. Men of wealth and taste are depicted in the ads in drawing rooms pondering their next billiard shot, etc. Of course, now scotch ads have abandoned such a blatantly elitist world view. The snobbery is still there but much more subtle. That is what is unfortunate with scotch whisky. It tends to have an elitist whiff about it. And this may be due to the fact that years ago, one had to be somewhat well-to-do to afford this magical spirit. Even today it is expensive at times, but I certainly think the elitism has disipated somewhat, thank God!
Nevertheless Johnnie Walker ads and others perpetuate the myth that scotch is for the rich and affluent only. Obviously, this marketing strategy produces results or they would not have continued in this manner.
The aim of this blog is to encourage everyone, men, women, people of any ethnicity, race or social standing to try scotch whisky, and discover its' secrets.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the ads! By the way, the ads are all for Teacher's Highland Cream, a blended scotch that has been around a long time and will continue for a long time into the future.
P.S. Click on the ads for full size!
© Jason Debly, 2009 - 2012. All rights reserved.
Scotch at one time was marketed at the male target audience exclusively. Men of wealth and taste are depicted in the ads in drawing rooms pondering their next billiard shot, etc. Australian wine